Wednesday, January 5, 2011


July 2010

When I decided to no longer put chemicals in my hair, I’m not sure what type of goal I had in mind. The only reason I “went natural” was because I didn’t want to go bald. I had two trouble areas: my thinning hairline and a balding spot at the nape of my neck. My ends were raggedy and thinning as well. My hair situation was quite frankly, a hot-crispy-mess.
Back in the days when I went to the salon every 2 weeks, this was not the case. My hair was long and thick. But since I had resigned to home perms and maintenance (single motherhood will do that to you), it was no longer the case. I would have length, but the health was just not where it should have been. Add to that my laziness to do my own hair and well, there you have it.

I’ve been relaxer free for going on 3 years and it wasn’t until July 2010 that I finally decided to REALLY focus on hair health. So I had my hair cut (again!) and this time I vowed to not apply any heat (save for the hair steamer or the hood dryer for deep conditioning) or straighten with my beloved Maxiglide . I will admit to using a blow dryer twice – on low – and I felt terribly guilty when I did. But twice in almost 6 months is a pretty impressive feat, especially since I was really apprehensive about not straightening my hair at all.

Now that the health of my hair is back on track I think one of my next goals will be length retention. I love my hair at its current length but I’d just like to see if I can get it back to the length it was at its peak, which was bra strap length.

I was thinking about straightening my hair this month for my birthday but I’ve decided not to do it. I’m going to try the no heat thing for an entire year and see what happens


January 2011


  1. Your twistout looks great! I think one of the reasons I'm able to retain length is that I don't use heat very often. I think I've straightened my hair maybe 3 or 4 times in the 18 mos I've been natural. I don't even plan to do it as often this year. Good luck!

  2. @Serenity, Thanks for stopping by. I've been following your journey since you big chopped.


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